Grant Application


  • Must have a project that benefits the citizens of Lakeway.
  • Must be completed within twelve months from grant approval date.
  • Must have a budget.
  • Must submit an application and a progress report one year after grant approved
  • Can be used by an individual or organization for training, items, funds that support of the arts or philanthropy, nature and parks. Will not fund, schools, churches, social medial
  • Organization, individual may only apply for one grant annually.
  • Grants are for the year applied. There is no expectation that the LCC will fulfill a grant request from the organization applying annually. May only apply once every three years.

Submit a letter of request for funding to include:

  1. Name of organization. Contact name, email & phone # of person making the request.
  2. Website link, if applicable.
  3. Requested amount.
  4. Project description including:
    • Target completion date.
    • Evaluation of success of project.
  5. Detailed project cost. (will LCC be supplementing any other funds toward the project or be the sole source of funds?)
  6. Project Manager.
  7. Financial responsibility. (who will control expenditures?)
  8. Previously requested grants. (from whom and how used?)

Grant Submission Process:

  1. Submit grant request using the form below.
  2. Grant request will be acknowledged.
  3. Approval, denial or modified grants request will be addressed at next LCC meeting which is the
    third Wednesday of each month.
  4. Grantees will receive the check for their grant within one month of the grants approval date
    (LCC meeting).
    • Funds will be applied via check for project with invoices paid by LCC treasurer.
  5. Grantee must submit a report, summary or evaluation within one year of grant approval date to
    include, how the funds were used to benefit the citizens of Lakeway and evidence of how many
    people benefited.

    Contact Us

    Please use this form to get in touch with our office